Thursday, August 13, 2009

What I Did Today However....

Today I went to two different office locations and said hi to people. Had a really nice conversation with friend and collegue, Blaine about trips and geneology.

I was on facebook yesterday and today. Invited in a couple of people and got responses that they accepted. Made it a point to comment on a couple of peoples' postings. Also posted comments on the two blogs that I'm following.

Made it a point to email five people from my sphere list to say hi and catch up. Emailed Susan A, Celeste, Pehn, Brian P and Tami B. Hoping to hear back from them all!

Want to do this five days a week. Email 5 people a day for 5 days a week for 50 weeks a year. That's a very doable goal and should cycle through my list about once a month.

Also want to set up a way to track on this blog how many dirrerent people I'm touching base with and how often. Gotta work on that.

Damn! Missed Posting Yesterday!

Well, I missed posting yesterday, which I didn't want to do! Trying to be consistant at this thing. I did call a client/friend, Tony L and leave a message however, and emailed another client/friend, Sherry D about getting together for a hike next week. We've started what has been turning into a nice friendship and I'm really enjoying it. Gone on two hikes already and had dinner at her place on our first get together. Very nice. I'm finding her inspirational and very down to earth. We seem to have a lot of common life experience.
Also stopped by the office and had a nice personal conversation with my manager about our respective summers. Got a surprise followup email from him saying he enjoyed talking with me and sent me a link to his family photos. Cool!
Didn't hear back from Maria T yet, but sometimes it takes her a few days to respond.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Emailed updates to a client, Maria T and asked if she wanted to meet. My motivation seems to be on it's own schedule today........

Well....It's One of Those Days

This is one of those days that I have to kick myself just to keep moving.

I did want to add that I got two event invitations on Face Book yesterday, and have already accepted one! A friend/vendor is guest bartending at a local restaurant/bar and I'm going to go check it out. Should be a good networking opportunity and a lot of fun. Also got invited to a pre-season football game and tailgate party on the cheap. It's from a man that I met though a church group that I've had limited contact with, but they seem nice and again it's a good networking and relationship building opportunity, so I may go.

Have to put a little more thought into whom I want to make contact with today.

Monday, August 10, 2009

This is a Face Book day! I've put in 3 friends requests, (2 of which have been accepted already, 1 friend/client and one collegue). I also accepted one from a collegue. I've also commented back and forth with a family member and a friend, which I initiated! Go girl!

First Day - Touching base with a friend/client

Well, I just invited my friend/client, Nick S. as a friend on Face Book. He has accepted and sent me a message in return, indicating I have a large circle of friends and should maybe keep it to a more select group! Plus, I got a compliment on my photo! I responded to his message promptly and informed him that while I want to keep it selective, I want to widen my circle of friends! Ah, the timing is impeccable...

Decision to Concentrate on Relationships

Hi All! As I'm sure countless other people are doing now, thanks to 'Julia & Julie', I've been inspired to create a blog. I've been thinking about it the last few days and have been mulling over where I might want to focus my energies.

I love cooking, both my own recipes, as well as others, but decided not to start with that. I also love to travel, but don't have much of a budget right now, so it could be a really slow blog. Working out and being active is on my list, and may make it's way to another of my blogs soon. The other things that made my list of possiblities are 'working around the house', 'following my business plan', and 'getting out of debt', but those are constants in my life and didn't seem that inspiring as a starting point to my new adventure.'s all about relationships, and the fact that I want to start building stronger, deeper, and more bonds with people. This includes people I already know, people I don't know well, and people I've yet to meet.

My goal is to make contact with (either in person, via phone, email or social networking), 365 different people in the next 365 days. This means that I initiate the contact and have an actual conversation with them, whatever the method.

I hope to create inspiration from this for myself and possibly others, so here goes!
